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- Date: Tue, 6 Dec 1994 17:11:58 -0700 (MST)
- From: Bruce Grubb <bgrubb@freedom.NMSU.Edu>
- To: macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Subject: [*] Mac & IBM compare-Version 1.9.9 {resubmit} pt1
- Archive name: mac-ibm-compare199.txt
- category: general information, text
- I am resubmitting this because the first submission got corrupted.
- This is version 1.9.9 of this report & should replace mac-ibm-compare198.tx=
- t.
- Changes: PPC and Pentium info updated
- Due to the rapid changes in computers I am interested in contributions=20
- from Digest and other readers to flesh out, correct, or point out=20
- confusing parts in the report. Send comments and information to AOL:=20
- BruceG6069; or Internet: BruceG6069@aol.com. Keep it short because=20
- e-mail limit on these sites is _much_ smaller than my sheet.
- This report compares the Mac and IBM machines CPUs, hardware {monitor=20
- support and expansion}, operating systems {includes number crunching},=20
- networking & printing; it covers not only present hardware/software=20
- statistics and features but also future possibilities.
- Despite its condensed and generalized format it still provides some thought=
- -
- provoking reading on the relative merits, problems, and deficiencies of=20
- Macs=20
- and IBM PCs. It also contains some FAQ answers about both machines and=20
- the upcoming PowerPC line.
- Note: for proper reading off line this document should be in 9 point Monac=
- o.
- -------------------------blurb ends, report begins-------------------------=
- --
- Mac & IBM Info-Version 1.9.9 {Dec 1, 1994}
- Note: for proper reading off line this document should be in 9 point Monac=
- o.
- The reason for this general data sheet is to consolidate and condense the=
- =20
- information out there, so that people in both camps can be clear and accura=
- te=20
- about what they are saying about their machines.
- Since computer technology is always changing there are always going to be=
- =20
- points in which the sheet will be lacking or incorrect on information. So,=
- =20
- please just don't say the sheet is incomplete or incorrect but also give me=
- =20
- clear and concise information to make the needed corrections. To keep this=
- =20
- data sheet accurate please provide article citations,if possible, for the
- information provided or corrected and keep opinions to a minimum. As this =
- is=20
- a general data sheet, keep the info provided short and simple.
- Please note that all magazine dates are in mm/dd/yy formats.
- Finally, keep the information relevant to the section corrected.
- Also, please edit the crossposting down before following this up.
- Thank you.
- Contents
- CPUs
- Hardware
- PowerPC rumors
- Monitor support
- Expansion
- Operating system
- Mac
- PowerPC
- Networking & Printing
- The CPUs {Nov, 1994)
- Note: I am only showing Motorola & Intel CPUs used in Mac and most IBM/PC
- clone machines. For example, since Apple never used the Motorola 68008 and
- 68010 in the Mac these chips are not listed. Years indicate use of CPU chi=
- p
- in new machines.
- Cache is "where data can be stored to avoid having to read the data from a
- slower device such as a disk" (Dictionary of Computer Terms:61-DTC). Both
- IBM and Mac use caches external to CPUs which increase the speed of the CP=
- U
- but are not a part of it. Since there are many different external caches,
- each having a different effect on CPU performance, with some built-in
- {present Macs}, other optional but installed {IBM}, and are machine, selle=
- r
- or expansion dependent, I have decided to leave them out of the list.
- Note: ALU is industry's de-facto standard for CPU bit classification.
- IBM ALU Registers External CPU Features/
- CPU data address cache Notes
- 8088(6) 16 16 8 (16) 20 none {1981-9} {197?-89}
- 80186 16 16 16 20 none {198?-9?} 8088(6) segmenting
- 80286 16 16 16 24 none segmenting + Protected Mode*
- 386sx 32 32 16 24 none 80386*
- 80386 32 32 32 32 none MMU & 32-bit Protected Mode=
- =20
- 486sx 32 32 32 32 one 8K 80486 w/o FPU
- 80486 32 32 32 32 one 8K new CPU core {~386 + FPU}
- 486dx2 32 32 32 32 one 8K doubled internal clock rate*=
- *
- 486dx3 32 32 32 32 one 16K 80486 w/o FPU; IBM chip
- [Blue Lightning] between 486dx2 and Pentium 5=
- =20
- lines in speed (BYTE 04/94:2=
- 2)
- DX4 32 32 32 32 one 16K 80486; Intel's version of th=
- e
- 486dx3.
- Pentium 32 32 64 32 8K code, CRISC-like chip, =20
- [P5] 8K data, 2 instructions/cycle max =
- =20
- Branch 2-issue superscalar, 386=20
- target Write-Back, 64-bit FPU,
- pipelining; 114 chips/Wafer
- 66 MHz-SPECint92: 66.3;=20
- SPECfp92: 62.5; 13-16 watts*=
- **
- P54c 3.3 volts with 6.5 watts.
- 203 chips/wafer
- 100 MHz-SPECint92: 100;=20
- SPECfp92: 80***
- P6 CRISC chip, .4 micron;=20
- late-1995; transition chip
- (BYTE 04/94:22)
- P7 RISC or VLIW with a hardware
- x86 code translator,
- late-1990's****
- 386sl: low power (3.3V) 386sx with built-in power management. Laptop use.
- 386slc: IBM 5V 386sx with a 16k on-chip cache added (John H. Kim). As far =
- as
- John H. Kim knows it is only used on IBM models.
- 486slc: Neither of two chips that have this name have a FPU. Cyrix: basica=
- lly
- 486sx in 386sx socket with 1k cache and improved integer math speed. IBM:=
- =20
- equivalent to 486sx with a 16k on-chip cache.
- 486slcs: IBm chip equivalent to 486dx2 - FPU with a 16-bit external data pa=
- th
- and 16k on-chip cache.
- 486dlc2: IBM chip equivalent to 486dx2 - FPU and with 16k on-chip cache.
- P24T{Pentium}: 64 bit internally, 32 bit for system I/O.
- Pentium/150 .4 micron, mid-1995 (PC Week 05/30/94)
- *16 MB maximum RAM
- ** ex. for 486dx2/50, chip runs 50 MHz rest of machine runs at 25 MHz.
- *** (Hambrecht & Quist/MacWeek 09/20/93; Len Schultz; PC Week 01/10/94; BYT=
- E
- 6/94:265). {P54c is called "Pentium II" in Hambrecht & Quist/MacWeek artic=
- le}=20
- CRISC {media term}: CISC chip with RISC-like feature (Computer Reseller Ne=
- ws,
- Oct 28, 1991 n445 p140(2)). CPU - 60 MHz ~$575; 90 MHz - ~$600 (PC Week
- 07/04/94); SPECmarks are with a Level 2 memory cache and a 66 MHz 128-bit
- {64-bit interleaved} bus. Pentiums have a minor bug in the FPU.
- **** Computergram International, 06/02/94; MacWeek 05/30/94. VLIW (Very Lo=
- ng
- Instruction Word) is supposed to be faster and cheaper than RISC but it ha=
- s
- a major problem in that VLIW binary code is _so_ CPU specific as to be
- TOTALLY incompatible with _any_ future VLIW CPUs {it would be as if 386 co=
- de
- would not run on 486 and 486 code would not run on a Pentium}
- (InfoWorld, 01/17/94 v16 n3 p29(2); Microprocessor Report, 02/14/94 v8 n2
- p18(4))
- Mac ALU Registers External bus CPU Features/
- CPU data address cache Notes
- 68000 16 32 16 24 none {1984-93} 16 MB limit*
- 68020 32 32 32 32 256 code {1987-92} parallel processin=
- g
- 68030 32 32 32 32 two 256 {1988-94} 68020 + MMU, 16K
- burst mode.
- 68EC040 32 32 32 32 two 4K 68040 w/o FPU and MMU {~6802=
- 0}
- 68LC040 32 32 32 32 two 4K 68040 w/o FPU {~68030}
- 68040V 32 32 32 32 two 4K 68040 w/o FPU, PowerBooks-19=
- 94
- 68040 32 32 32 32 two 4K MMU, FPU, pipelining, double=
- d=20
- internal clock rate**
- 68050=09development discontinued in favor of 68060
- 68060 32 32 32 32 two 8k 68040 + better FPU, supersca=
- lar
- Branch pipelining, cache line burst=
- s,
- target 3.3 V, self power management=
- ,
- equivalent capabilities &=20
- speeds to Pentium {P54c}***
- Note: the now defunct NeXT and Amiga machines used the 68030 and 68040.
- *Earlier 68000 Mac designs created a 4 MB limit.
- ** "Current 68040 chips specified as 25-, 33-, and 40-MHz are already capab=
- le
- of running internal processing circuitry at 50, 66 and 80 MHz, respectivel=
- y"
- (Electronic Buyer's News Aug 20, 1993; pointed out by Bradley Lamont and
- Motorola 68040 data book in 92). Apple now markets 68040 Macs as 'clock
- doubled' though speed is NOT in the 486dx2's class {see CPUs Comparison
- List}.=20
- ***Motorola claims (MC-68060.txt). Will be used in Macs _only_ via third
- party accelerators.
- The following PowerPCs are to be in both IBM and Mac machines. They are
- Motorola/IBM RISC CPU chips.
- PowerPC ALU Registers External bus CPU Features/
- CPU data address cache Notes
- MPC601 32 int 32 64 32 32K 3 instructions/cycle max,
- [.6] fp 64 combined 258 chips/wafer, =20
- I/D 80 MHz-SPECint92: 77;
- SPECfp92: 93. 9 {66}, and
- ~11 {80 MHz} watts*
- MPC601 32 int 32 64 32 32K Faster and less power consum=
- ing
- [.5] fp 64 combined version of .6 MPC601. 100 MH=
- z
- I/D uses 5 watts (MacWeek 04/04/=
- 94)
- MCP601+ Lowpower version of 601
- 100 MHz at 2 watts.
- MPC603 two 8k Systems delayed in favor of=
- =20
- MPC603+ two 16k 603+, 80 MHz-SPECint92: 77;
- I/D SPECfp92: 93. 2.0 {66},
- 3.0 watts {80 MHz}*
- MPC604 32 int 32 64 32 two 16k 4 instructions/cycle max,=20
- fp 64 I/D 373 chips/wafer,
- 100 MHz-SPECint92: 160;=20
- SPECfp92: 165, Systems: 95.*
- MPC620 64 64 128 40 two 32k 133 MHz-SPECint92: 225; =20
- 64 e SPECfp92: 300 {projected}
- 80 v Systems: 2H 1995.
- (BYTE 11/94:113-20)
- e - effective v - virtural
- *(Byte 8/93:84; Hambrecht & Quist/MacWeek 9/20/93; BYTE 04/94:61; MacUser
- 06/94:40; BYTE 6/94:265). MPC601/50 MHz-$165; MPC601/66 MHz-$165;
- MPC601/80 MHz-$248; MPC601/100 MHz {Nov 94}-$399 (Announcement 10/17/94)
- Apple showed off a MPC601/120 Mac (MacWeek 05/23/94)
- MPC603/66 MHz-$165; MPC603/80-$195; MPC604/?? - $549=20
- (Announcement 10/17/94)
- MPC601/80 SPECmarks are w/o a Level 2 memory cache. With 1 MB Level 2 memo=
- ry
- cache the SPECmarks are SPECint92: 85; SPECfp92: 105 (Motorola) Both machi=
- nes
- use 33 MHz 64-bit bus (BYTE 04/94).
- All MPC603 SPECmarks are with 1 MB Level 2 cache (Motorola).
- The 603+ which will be faster than the MPC603 and have double the cache
- (MacWeek 05/23/94). MPC630 and MPC7xx rumored.
- CPUs Comparison List
- As a general rule of thumb Motorola chips are faster than Intel chips at t=
- he
- same frequency {030/25 ~=3D 386/33; 040/33 ~=3D 486/50}, but Intel has chi=
- ps at
- higher frequencies than Motorola, so this evens out. The Macintosh Bible
- 4th edition and IBM System User, 1/92 v13 n1 p43(1) support the comparison=
- s
- made between Intel and Motorola chips below and statements made here.
- <=3D80186 ~ 68000 {16-bit vs 16/24/32-bit chip. The 4 MB limit on the 680=
- 00
- Macs brings the chip in them down to the 80186 and lower chips, otherwise
- the 68000 would compare to the 80286.}
- 286 ~ 68020 {hardware segmenting vs. 68020's 32-bit ALU and having no
- usable built-in MMU unlike their successors [80386, 68030]. The use of th=
- e
- hardware segmenting and the 16-bit nature put the 286 between the 60000 an=
- d
- 68030 in features and the LC's 16-bit data path strenghthens the 286 ~ 680=
- 20
- comparison.}
- 386 ~ 68030 {32-bit chips with MMUs, and protected memory. At present
- application protected memory is limited to A/UX 3.0. System 7.x uses this
- feature to protect a RAM disk created by the Memory control panel which is
- supported only on Powerbooks, Quadras and Power Macintoshes. The Color
- Classic and LCII 16-bit hardware data paths makes the 68030s in them
- comparative to 386sxs.}
- 486sx ~ 68LC040 {same as 486 and 68040 without the FPU; used as a low co=
- st
- solution for people who do not need the FPU. Only in comparison with Wind=
- ows
- programs does the 68LC040 approch 486SLC2 - chip cache or '486dx2sx'
- speeds.}
- 486 ~ 68040 {32-bit microprocessors with built-in FPU, MMU, 8K internal
- cache (which is implemented as two 4K caches in the 68040 and one in the
- 486). Please note that MHz for MHz a 486dx2 outperforms a 68040. For
- example a 68040/40 is ~95% the speed of a 486dx2/66 (Ingram 93 report)}
- Pentium ~ 68060 {Both are superscalar, but may flounder against the cheaper=
- ,
- faster MHz, less heat producing, and partly ported to PowerPC chips.}=20
- PowerPC =3D PowerPC {This CPU line is planned to run programs from DOS, Win=
- dows,
- OS/2 and Mac OS through the CHRP platform. Insignia's Windows emulator
- for Mac produces 486sx/25 speeds on Power Macintosh 6100/60 and 486dx/33 o=
- n
- the Power Macintosh 8100/80. Native code runs two - four times those spee=
- ds
- and is ~1.50 times a Pentium of the same MHz (Ingram 94 report).}
- Hardware=20
- PowerPC machines=20
- IBM PowerPC: <$3,000 model delayed.
- Apple PowerPC {Power Macintosh}
- $1,819 - 6100/60: 8/250; 1 PDS, 1 cache slot
- {Speed, Native: 2-4x 68040/33, emulated 68EC040: 030/25 to 040/40}
- $2,899 - 7100/66: MPC601/66, 8/500/1 MB VRAM, 3 NuBus 90, 1 PDS,
- 1 cache slot; {Speed: 1.25 times faster than 6100/60}
- $4,249 - 8100/80: MPC601/80, 8/500/2 MB VRAM/256 Kb, Level 2 memory cache,
- 3 NuBus 90, 1 PDS slot; 2 SCSI-2 ports.
- {Speed: 2.00 times faster than 6100/60}
- $6,379 - 8100/110: 16/2 GB/CD-ROM, Level 2 memory cache, 3 NuBus 90,
- 1 PDS slot; 2 SCSI-2 ports.
- AV cards cause a video speed decrease of ~25% while VRAM causes a increase
- of ~10% (MacUser 05/94:83).
- Ethernet and GeoPort are standard features
- Prices are averages and do not include color monitor and keyboard.
- (PC Week 08/30/93; PR Newswire 10/19/93; MacWeek 11/29/93; MacWeek 01/17/9=
- 4;
- PC Week 01/31/94; MacWeek 02/07/94; MacWeek 02/28/94; TidBITS #214;
- MacWeek 03/07/94; TidBITS #217; MacWeek 09/12/94)
- Apple has developed an 68EC040 emulator that is twice the speed of the
- present one (MacWeek 06/13/94)
- Apple Power Macintosh Configurations
- 6100/60 - 8/250/CD: $2,029; 16/350/SoftWindows {Insignia's Windows\
- emulator}: $2,499; AV card: $479
- 7100/66 - 8/500/CD/1 MB VRAM: $3,109; 16/500/SoftWindows/1 MB VRAM: $3,419=
- ;
- 16/500/CD/AV/2 MB VRAM: $3,699
- 8100/80 - 16/500/CD/2 MB VRAM: $4,850; 16/500/CD/AV/2 MB VRAM: $5,062;
- 16/1 GB/CD/2 MB VRAM: $5,379
- (MacWeek 02/07/94; MacWeek 03/07/94; TidBITS #217; MacWeek 09/12/94).
- 6100/66 and 7100/80: Nov 94 (MacWeek 08/15/94)
- Nitro {Q1 95}: replacement for Power Mac 8100; 3 PCI slots (MacWeek 06/13/=
- 94)
- Tsunami {Q1 95}: 6 PCI slots, no built-in video (MacWeek 06/13/94)
- TNT Macs {Q1 95}: MPC601/03/04 <=3D150 MHz; 6 PCI slots, DAV slot, better =
- and
- faster video {32-bit in/out} (MacWeek 08/09/93; MacWeek 01/17/94; MacWeek
- 06/13/94)
- Alchemy {June 95}: entry level machine, modular design; 1 PCI slot
- Catalyst {June 95}: replacement for Power Mac 6100-7100; 3 PCI slots
- Mac->PowerPC upgrades
- Apple - 68040 PDS Upgrade Card: $699; 63x MPC601/68040 card - $599;
- logic-board upgrades range between $1000 - $2,000. In general every
- Macintosh that had a CD-ROM configuration has {or will have} a logic-board
- upgrade option.
- DayStar Digital Inc. - 66 MHz and 80 MHz processor upgrade cards for the
- Centris/Quadra 650, and the Quadra 700, 800, 900 and 950. Have PowerMac RO=
- Ms
- on the cards and allow 60ns 72-pin SIMM expansion. Has trade in for owners=
- of
- old cards. Value range of old cards: from 15% to 50%.=20
- Price: $1,200 to $1,700 dependent on speed. (MacWeek 01/17/94;
- MacUser 05/94:36)
- Reply Corp. - MPC603 logic boards.
- Other PowerPCs: Canon-NeXT (NB 05/11/93), and Sun {rumored}. Other potentia=
- l
- sources: Radius Inc., MicroNet Technology Inc., SuperMac Technology Inc,
- Acer America Corp, Dell Computer Corp and 11 other companies (MacWeek
- 9/27/93). Spacifics vague.
- 217 native Power Macintosh programs out with 500 projected by the end of 94=
- OSes {assumes full installation [print drivers, fonts, Multifinder, etc.]
- and multiple application use.}
- PowerPC OSes
- IBM OS based {see IBM OS section for details}:
- AIX PowerOpen, NeXTStep, Solaris OS, Expose and Novell DOS 7.0
- Mac AIX [UNIX] {1995}: This OS is planned to replace A/UX.
- MAE {Macintosh Application Enviroment}: Apple's Mac-on-Unix 680x0 emulator.
- MAS {Macintosh Application Services}: Apple's Mac-on-Unix 680x0 emulator that
- also runs PowerPC Mac programs on PowerOpen versions of UNIX.
- Pink [Taligent OS]: Alpha version is out (MacWeek 07/18/94}, final version
- expected in 1995. PowerOpen version of OSes will likely contain parts of
- this OS (MacWeek 01/25/93).
- System 7.1.2: first OS for the PowerPC Mac.
- Windows NT: Possible port (MacWeek 04/05/93). See IBM OS section for details.
- WorkPlace OS: OS/2 for the PowerPC with Pink features. Will run Mac, Windows,
- and AIX programs and may have parts of the Mac OS (PC Week 09/20/93) and may
- even run Mac programs (MacWeek 09/27/93). It will run first on PowerPCs then
- on the x86/Pentium line (PC Week 09/20/93).
- Mac {July 18, 1994}
- Apple puts 512K to 4 MB of API and OS internals in its ROMS {which gets
- bypassed as the system moves away from that code base via upgrades, patches,
- etc.}, and urges programmers NOT to call the hardware directly. These two
- factors allow programmers to write smaller programs since commands are
- consistant regardless of the internal hardware. This also allows Apple to
- write a smaller disk OS and have a lower RAM requirement then a totally disk
- based OS. Macs use 'Masked ROM' which is as fast as DRAM (Jon Wtte).
- 6.0.7: Single program usage base requirements: 1 MB and DD floppy,
- cooperatively-multitasking base requirements: 2 MB and HD floppy.
- Features a GUI, cooperative-multitasker [MultiFinder], standard program
- interface, & standard stereo sound support [snd], and Network receiving part
- of AppleShare software. This 24-bit OS has a 8 MB RAM barrier. Some third
- party products allow 14 MB of Virtual Memory as long as real RAM is below
- 8 MB.
- 6.0.8: 6.0.7 with 7.0.0 print drivers.
- 6.0.8L: System 6 for some Macs that required System 7.0.X. Rarely used.
- 7.0.X: Base requirements: 2 MB, 40 MB hard drive, and 68000; De-facto standard
- to run all features well: 4 MB, 80 MB hard drive, and 68030. Using up to
- 10.08 MB of hard disk space this 24 and 32-bit OS has 6.0.7 features plus
- program linking within and between computers [IAC], built-in server
- capabilities {Filesharing can be used by older OSes using AppleShare Client
- software and can be accessed by 10 Macs max; 4-5 is more speed practical,
- IAC requires 7.X}, Virtual Memory in machines with MMU, drag and drop,
- QuickTime, wildcard search/selection & built-in TrueType support. Supports
- sound input [AIFF and snd] for most present machines. Can access up to 1 GB
- of true RAM and 4 GB of virtual memory. To use real RAM beyond 8 MB it must
- be in 32-bit mode; older machines require 'Mode 32' extension. Apple's last
- 'free' OS. More useable than MS-DOS or Windows (Consumer Reports)
- 7.1.0: 7.0.1 with WorldScript support, speedier {10% faster on Quadra line
- (sys71_vs_70_speed.txt)}, and less RAM usage than 7.0.X (MacWeek 9/14/92;
- PC Week 9/7/92). To run in 32-bit mode on older machines this requires the
- 'Mode 32' or '32-Bit Enabler' extension. Marks the start of Apple selling
- its Mac OS: Bundled with new machines, $49 for 7.0.X upgrades, $99 otherwise.
- Programs take up about the same hard disk space as comparitive DOS programs
- and about one-half less disk space than their x86/Pentium Windows
- counterparts (Byte April 93:102; Ingram Report 10/93).
- Thread Manager {prototype-7.1.0 extension} allows preemtive multitasking
- for programs written for it.
- 7.1.2: 7.1.0 rewritten for the PPC chips with PC Exchange. 32-bit OS. On Mac
- without Power Macintosh ROMs this adds 4 MB to RAM requirements. (PC Week
- 02/28/94). Native code programs are 10 - 30% larger {i.e these programs
- are only 57% - 65% the size of comparitive x86/Pentium Windows programs}
- (calculations from Motorola & Apple announcements; Byte 04/93:102;
- Ingram Report 10/93) Rumor-best speed is with VM set at 1 MB above
- real RAM.
- QuickDraw GX: display PostScript equivalent for QuickDraw that improves
- font handling, background printing, and color management (by using
- ColorSync).
- 7.5.0: 7.1.2 with AppleScript {scriptable Finder}, MacTCP, Macintosh Easy
- Open, QuickDraw GX, PowerTalk, PlainTalk, Thread Manager, Drag and Drop
- Manager {between programs}, improved Find File, and Apple Guide {balloon help
- replacement}. Also includes WindowShade, a hierachical Apple menu, a menu
- clock, and Sticky Memos. 680x0/MPC601 version requires 2.5/4.5 MB {4/8
- recommended} RAM for core elements, 3/5.5 MB {8/16 recommended} for adding
- QuickDraw GX and PowerTalk. (BYTE 8/94:188; MacWeek 7/18/94; MacUser
- 09/94:79).
- Copland: 2H 1995. Microkernel based, multitheading, Memory protection,
- OpenDOC, and new I/O. To be written in native PowerPC code; asynchronous
- file system will access volumes up to 256 terrabytes {~262000 GB}. Support
- for non-Mac systems and files will be provided (BYTE 5/94:40; MacWeek
- 7/11/94; PC Week 7/11/94).
- Gershwin: 1996. Microkernel based, preemptive multitasking, a concurrent File
- Manager and configurable allocation block sizes with a 4 KB default (MacWeek
- 7/11/94).
- A/UX 3.0.1 {3.1-wgs 95} [UNIX]: Base requirements: 8 MB RAM and 80 MB hard
- Drive. To run well: 16 MB RAM and 240 MB hard drive. Apple's version of Unix
- based on an old AT&T SVR2 release, with extensions from more recent SV
- releases, and BSD releases. The memory and disk requirements are about
- average, for a networked protected mode preemptively multitasking server OS
- (Faisal Nameer Jawdat).
- AIX [UNIX]: this is planned to replace A/UX as the Mac's UNIX OS.
- MachTen {by Tenon}: Mach that runs on top of System 7.x.
- Note: sound output was provided in OSes 3.2 to 6.0.5 via many third party
- formats including the following: snd, WAVE, ASND, FSSD, QSSN, SMSD, SOUN,
- dc2d, and DCFL. In 6.0.7 the sound manager formally established sound 'snd'
- and AIFF as standards which causes some playback problems for the other
- formats, though most still play correctly.
- IBM/PC clone OSes
- Due to their modualar nature these machines have little GUI code, data, and
- hooks present in hardware for programmers to work with, so most of the coding
- must be provided in the OS. Since hard disks were slow the disk OS code is
- read into RAM along with what little ROM code there is {Shadow ROM}. This
- results in faster implementation since RAM is faster then PROMS or EPROMS.
- Disk based OS code has the advantage of being able able to optimize code for
- a certain piece or collection of hardware instead of using a 'ROM patch' The
- modular nature of code reduces patch size for major revision of hardware
- support.
- MS-DOS 5.0: Conventional Memory mode is limited to either 640 K {DOS's
- own memory manager} or 1 MB {third party memory managers}. XMS allows up
- to 16 MB but is usable only by certain programs. Protected Mode Interface
- (DPMI) compliant programs running in 32-bit Protected Mode [386dx] also
- allow 16 MB. Contains DOS 4.0 GUI shell. Advantage: allows the best
- computer speed/cost ratio of any OS. Disadvantage: needs extensive
- programming knowledge and is very expensive to train people to get the
- great speed/cost ratio (Gartner group).
- MS-DOS 6.22: DOS 5.0 with the added features of a disk defragmenter, debugger
- for the CONFIG.SYS file and built-in file compresion. It needs a $80 module
- for networking. (InfoWorld 8/29/94).
- MS-DOS 7.0:In development (PC Week 04/05/93). Will come with Windows95.
- Windows 3.0: Runs on top of DOS. Breaks 640K/1 M barrier but still uses DOS
- file structure. Base requirements: 1 MB, floppy and 286; to run well 2 MB,
- hard drive, 386sx and fast display adapter {> 8-bit}. Has Mac's QD
- equivalent called Windows GDI [Graphics Device Interface]. Does not have
- consistent application interfaces {Like 84-85 Mac programs} nor a very large
- program base {compared to DOS}, still tends to slow the machine down
- (Info-IBMPC Digest V92 #186) with speed more dependent on the display
- adapter then on the CPU (Bill Coleman) and "A user pumping up a Windows
- machine past 64 MB (or even 16 MB in some cases) can encounter some nasty
- conflicts." (Computer Shopper, 07/93 v13 n7 p180(7)). Some programs need
- editing of config.sys, autoexec.bat, or system.ini to run/display
- correctly (Fortune 10/04/93:112). Window programs tend to be disk and
- memory hogs compared to their DOS counterparts (Byte April 93:98-108).
- Windows 3.1: A faster version of Windows 3.0 with better memory managment.
- Base requirements 2 MB, hard drive and 386sx; to run well 8 MB, hard drive,
- 386sx (PC Magazine 94). Takes a 12-15% performance hit in enchanced {32-bit}
- mode (BYTE 11/93:85). In general Windows and its applications occupy 1.84
- times more disk space than their 680x0 Macintosh counterparts
- (Byte 04/93:102; Ingram Report 93).
- Windows for Workgroups: To run well: 4 MB RAM and 386dx (PC World
- Feb/93:160). Intermediary between Win 3.1 and Windows NT. It is
- basically Windows 3.1 with built-in peer to peer networking support.
- Windows 95 [Chicago] {May 95}; Requirements {rumor}: 8 MB and 386
- (Washington Post 9/26/94). 32-bit OS combining 3.x and NT features that does
- not run on top of DOS.
- Windows NT: ~50 MB of disk space [including swap file] 16 MB recommended
- (PC Week 07/19/93). This 32-bit OS has protected mode multitasking,
- multithreading, symmetric multiprocessing, recoverable file system, and
- 32-bit data GDI. Has built-in OSF DCE compliant networking and can handle
- up to 4 GB RAM. Windows programs ran up to 10% slower on the beta
- (PC Week 03/15/93).
- Windows upgrades: $295 for upgrades, $495 otherwise (PC Week 03/15/93).
- Daytona {NT 3.5}: Smaller memory requirments, PPC, and OpenGL
- Cairo {Mid 1996}: Object File System, New GUI, and intergrates Plug and Play.
- Non MS-OSes
- AIX: IBM's UNIX system, planned to be a subset of PowerOpen and Taligent OS.
- 3.2.5 is a precursor to PowerOpen-compliant 4.0 (PC Week 09/13/93).
- Variant will replace A/UX in Macs.
- AIXlite: 4 MB RAM, 80 MB disk space. May be used as a PowerPC OS
- (PC Week 06/28/93).
- PC-DOS 6.3: IBM's version of DOS. It runs Windows much faster then MS-DOS due
- to faster file I/O and video handling (InfoWorld 8/29/94).
- DR DOS 6.0: same as DOS 5.0 with some extras {like built-in data compression}
- and memory management enhancements. Still has 640K/1MB barrier.
- Expose: Novell DOS 7.0 with a Linux 1.0-based kernel: $99.
- also will run on PowerPC chip (PC Week 05/16/94)
- OS/2 2.1: Base requirements- 4 MB RAM, 40 MB hard drive, 386sx; to run well-
- 8-16 MB RAM, 60 MB hard drive {uses 17-33 MB}, and 386dx CPU. This 32-bit
- multithreaded, multitasking OS with UNIX-like features can address up to
- 4 GB RAM but on ISA systems using their own DMA {Direct Memory Access}
- drivers ALL memory above 16 MB RAM is used a fast swap file. Windows
- programs run faster on this than on DOS and Multimedia support built-in (BYTE
- June 93:193) IBM plans to use Taligent's OOPS in future versions of this.
- OS/2 3.0 {Warp}: fragmental infomation.
- NeXTStep 3.2: Base requirements-8 MB {2-bit grayscale}/12 MB {8-bit
- grayscale}/16 MB {16-bit color}, 120 MB {330 MB with Developer tools} hard
- drive, 486sx. Suggested-12 MB {2-bit grayscale}/16 MB {8-bit grayscale}/24
- MB {16-bit color}, 200 MB {400 MB with Developer tools} hard drive , 486sx
- (NeXTStep CD-ROM). Object-oriented Mach (UNIX)-based microkernal GUI OS with
- built-in multi-architecture binary support, preemptive multitasking,
- multithreading, virtual memory, multimedia e-mail, on-line help, Display
- PostScript Level 2, networking support {NFS 4.0, Novell, Ethernet, Token
- Ring}, Pixar's Interactive- and Photorealistic- 3D RenderMan, Pantone color
- support, and Object Links. Can read, write, and initialize Mac and IBM disks.
- (1993 NeXT, Inc. literature - Dayne Miller). Lacks device-drivers for some
- hardware cards, DriverKit to write above lacking device-drivers, and
- supports Portable Distributed Objects and OpenStep. (pcu@umich.edu)
- Solaris OS for x86: a SunSoft port. A 32-bit OS with symmetric
- multiprocessing and multithreading, built-in networking capabilities with
- tools to allow remote configuring and adminstration features, and a
- communication package. WABI {windows emulator} runs Windows programs
- 60% faster than Windows 3.1 does on a 486. Client: $795, 50 users server:
- $1,995, 1000s users server: $5,995. Developer kits-software: $495,
- hardware: $195.
- OS Number Crunching (Mel Park)
- Mac
- Arithmetic is done in a consistent numerical environment {SANE or Standard
- Apple Numerics Environment}. 680x0 floating point numbers are 96 bits long
- when an FPU is present and 80 bits otherwise. The Power Macintoshes use a
- totally different method. Exceptions, such as dividing by zero or taking the
- square root of a negative number, do not cause an abort but are handled in a
- logically consistent manner. 1/0 produces the internal representation for
- infinity (INF). 1/(1/0) produces zero. The above treatment of 1/(1/0) occurs
- in an FPU-equipped machine even when SANE is bypassed and the FPU programmed
- directly {which Apple says not to do.}
- Floating point numbers are 80-bits with a hardware FPU, 64-bits when
- emulated. The way they are handled is dependent on the coding of whatever
- compiler or assembler was used for a program. On older DOS complilers
- exceptions could cause program aborts; 1/0 and 1/(1/0) would abort to the
- DOS prompt at the point where they occured. Most present compilers handle
- this better.
- Result: there is little consistent handling of numbers between DOS, Windows
- and OS/2 programs nor between programs for just one OS.
- Networking [Includes printing]
- WYSIWYG printing can be a problem with either Mac of IBM machines especially
- if one sends TrueType fonts to a older style PostScript printer.
- Mac
- Hardware: Built-in printer port and a built-in modem port. LocalTalk has
- moderate speeds (230.4 Kb/s), requires special connectors for each machine
- ($15 and up), and is run through the printer port. Some third party
- networking programs use the modem port. Built-in Ethernet is becoming common
- with transceivers available {Power Macintosh, Quadras and some Centris
- models} but many older Macs require a PDS or Nubus card at about $150-$300
- for each machine. These cards provide three connectors and transceivers
- {thick, thin, and 10BaseT} for Ethernet. TokenRing has been a network option
- since 1989. Over five years a Mac is the cheapest overall (The Gartner Group
- - cited in Fortune 10/04/93:110).
- Software: AppleTalk {the suite of protocols} standard with Mac OS, which can
- use variety of media types. AppleShare client software included with the OS
- and can connect to file servers such as Novell Netware, 3Com 3+Open, Banyan
- Vines, DEC Pathworks, Apple's AppleShare servers, System 7 File Sharing
- machines, and AFP servers running on variety of UNIX hosts. MacTCP allows
- typical TCP/IP communications (telnet, ftp, NFS, rlogin). Third-party
- software to connect to NFS servers. DEC Pathworks provides DECnet support.
- Peer-to-peer file sharing software built into System 7.1 (See OS section).
- Full server software is extra.
- Printing requires connection of the printer and the printer being selected in
- the chooser. Changing printers is by selecting a different name in the
- chooser. The same is true of connecting to servers.
- Printing bugs: Monaco TrueType font is different then the screen bitmap font.
- {QuickDraw GX is suppossed to fix this and similar problems.}
- Hardware: LocalTalk [not widely used], Ethernet, ArcNet, and TokenRing.
- Software: Novell Netware, IBM Lan Server, Banyan Vines, DECNet, Windows/Work
- Groups, AppleTalk protocols, and AppleShare {subset of AppleTalk}.
- Each of the MS-DOS networking schemes are, in general, totally incompatible
- with the others. Once you have chosen one, you are pretty much locked-in to
- that product line from then on. Windows/Work Groups is a little more
- forgiving and removes some of this problem. Novell Netware is the biggest,
- {~80 percent of the corporate market.} and in general is more powerful and
- offers better control/management/security than AppleShare, but it's also more
- complex to set up and manage. This will change due to the use of the Mac
- finder and file management system by Novell (MacWeek 3/22/93).
- Printing {Very OS dependent}
- DOS: If it's a single user, then you plug the printer into the
- parallel port, and don't worry about it {Tweeking may be needed with
- poorly written software}. Network Printing is not controlled by the
- system, but is mostly implemented by the actual program, therefore
- performance varies from one software program to the next.
- Windows 3.x: supports standard drivers and can do a good job of showing "jobs"
- in the print queue, but it can list printers as "active"... even if they
- are not. This becomes a problem if there are several incompatible printers
- on the same net, because there's no way for software to reliably determine
- which printer is active right now. Windows for Workgroups is more Mac-like
- and intelligent about this.
- OS/2: Mac-like; the os deals with printers, with apps making calls to the OS.
- Printing bugs: due to poor programing some programs for all the above OSes do
- not have WYSIWYG printing. This is the fault of the programs in question
- and not that of the OS involved.
- Price issue: This is very dynamic with Mac providing more build-in features
- than IBM and IBM being more 'get only what you need' then Mac, and price
- wars going on in both worlds.
- In general, when one adds all the standard Mac hardware features to an IBM
- {built-in input/output sound support, SCSI, PDS, built-in monitor support,
- built-in networking, standard interface, and NuBus equivalent in higher
- machines} the Mac tends to be cheaper then an equivalent equipted IBM
- machine at purchace and over five years.
- (IBM System User, Jan 1992 v13 n1 p43(1) {91 Ingram report};
- Fortune 10/04/93:110 {92 Gartner Group report}; BYTE 9/94:79 {93 Gartner
- Group report-Windows PC}; 93 Ingram report; 94 Ingram report).
- {Since some IBM monitors can be used with Macs the over all cost of a Mac can
- be cut even further (MacUser Aug 1992:158-176)}
- These are the facts as they were known to me on 12/01/94 and may be changed by
- new developments, announcements, or corrections. Corrections to the
- information are welcome.
- Please email corrections to
- AOL: BruceG6069
- Internet: BruceG6069@aol.com
- Bibliography notes
- 'Info-IBMPC Digest' back issues were available from wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
- {discontinued Oct 1993 in directory PD2:<ARCHIVES.IBMPC>.
- 'Dictionary of Computer Terms 3rd ed.' (ISBM 0-8120-4824-5)
- jay@seaspray.uacn.alaska.edu (Jay C. Beavers)
- bericksn@ac.dal.ca (Sean)
- david@visix.com (David Charlap)
- bcoleman@hayes.com (Bill Coleman)
- matt@wardsgi.med.yale.edu (Matt Healy)
- cj00+@andrew.cmu.edu (Carl B Jabido)
- fj05+@andrew.cmu.edu (Faisal Nameer Jawdat)
- dana@vnet.ibm.com (Dana Kilcrease)
- jokim@jarthur.claremont.edu (John H. Kim)
- lamont@catfish16.rtsg.mot.com (Bradley Lamont)
- mem@jhufos.pha.jhu.edu/mem@pha.jhu.edu (Mel Martinez)
- dayne@u.washington.edu (Dayne Miller)
- mpark@utmem1.utmem.edu (Mel Park)
- pcu@umich.edu
- noah@apple.com (Noah Price)
- terjer@ifi.unit.no (Terje Rydland)
- lschultz@ichips.intel.com (Len Schultz)
- especkma@reed.edu (Erik. A Speckman)
- d88-jwa@nada.kth.se (Jon Wtte)
- nan@matt.ksu.ksu.edu (Nan Zou)